hb火博体育:Wang Jianhua銆€銆€
Wang Jianhua, BVSc, M.Phil.CHINA; Ph.D.RVC.UK,
Sexual Distinction: Male
Date of Birth: 18/11/1948
Present Position: Professor in Toxicology & Veterinary Medicine 1995-todate
Present Employer: Northwest A & F University
Present Work Address: P.O.Box 712100, Colledge of Animal (Veterinary) Medicine, Northwest A & F University, Yangling, Shaanxi, P.R.China
Telephone & E-Mail Contact:
Work Tel: 029-87092429 Email: jhwang1949@sina.com
Home Tel: 029-87092595 Moving Tel: 13991879598
• Academic & Professional Qualifications:
B.VSc, Henan Agriculture College , CHINA 1975
M.Phil., Northwestern Agricultural College, CHINA 1981
Thesis Title: Research on the toxicity of the distinct species plant roots of Hemerocallis 1981
Ph.D., Royal Veterinary College, London University (Toxicopathology) 1989
Thesis Title: Observations on Selenium Toxicity in sheep and Some Effects of Monensin 1989
• Honours/Distinctions/MemberShips of Societies, Instituitions, Committees:
锕� Overseas Research Students (ORS) awards of Universities and Colleges in the UK (1985-1987)
锕� Education achievement award (grade 2) of Shaanxi Province (1993 ;2005)
锕� Advanced worker of degree and postgraduate education of Shaanxi Province(1997)
锕� Advanced worker of Chinese Society of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine (1999)
锕� Excellence Teacher Award of the Northwest A & F University (2003,2006)
锕� Special Allowance in Education of the State Council, P.R. China(2004)
锕� Advanced individual in teaching and moral education Award of Shaanxi Province (2004)
锕� Excellence textbook-Veterinary Medicine award (grade 1), Shaanxi Province (2005)
锕� Northwest A & F University Excellence Teacher Award (2005; 2006; 2007)
锕� Award (grade 2) for Science & Technology of Shaanxi Province (2007)
锕� Award for tutor of Excellence Ph.D. thesis of Shaanxi Province (2008)
- Memberships of Societies, Instituitions, Committees:
锕� Member of the Chinese Society of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine(1981- today)
锕� Member of the Chinese Society of Toxicology(1995- today -)
锕ember of the Editorial Board of Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science (1998- today -)
锕� Director of the Veterinary Medicine Research Committee in Northwest Region of China(2005- today )
锕� Vice director of the Toxicology Society, Shaanxi Province(2005-- today)
锕irector of the Progress in Veterinary Medicine (Journal)(2005-- today)
锕irector of the Animal Toxicology Research Committee(2006-- today)
锕ditor of Animal Toxicology (Journal)(2006--today)
• Professional Positions Held:
锕utor for Ph.D. students 1996.06-today
锕rofessor in Veterinary Medicine and Toxicology, Northwest A & F University 1999.11-today
锕rofessor in Veterinary Medicine, Northwest Agriculture University 1995.7-1999.11
锕irector of the Animal Hospital , Northwest A & F University 2005.9-2006.7
锕ean of the Veterinary Medicine Department, College of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine, Northwest A & F University 2001.3-2007.9
锕ice Professor in Veterinary Medicine, Northwest Agriculture University 1990.6-1995 6
锕ecture in Veterinary Medicine, Northwest Agriculture University 1987.12-1990.5
锕ssistant in Veterinary Medicine, Henan Agriculture College , CHINA 1975.5-1978.10
锕eterinarian, Veterinary station of Xindian commune, Henan province 1972.5-1975.5
• Present Research/Professional Speciality:
锕� Studies on toxic components and detoxic mechanism of Tibet Oxytropis glacialis
(An important forage grass, Oxytropis glacialis, in High-Cold desert regions of Tibet ,with chronic and strorp up toxic effect, has been leading poisoning disease or death in animals, and made great economic loses. Based on-the-spot investigation and initial experiment, this project determines the toxic component, structure, character, toxic mechanism of the grass, selects the detoxic chemicals, enzyme preparation and certain bacteria which can degrades the grass toxicants, and makes detoxic method and mechanism of the grass. The results will be contributions for the Tibetan construction, development of southeast area, utilization of Chinese locoweed, protect and treatment of the locoism.)
锕tudies on the biodegradation and its mechanism of locoweed toxin-swainsonine(SW)
(Locoweed is a general name of poisoning plants including more than 30 species in Oxitropis DC and Astragalus L. It has made serious harms on the western grasslands of China, over 110000 Km2. The main toxic component (swainsonine, SW) can result in 伪-mannosidase inhibited, glucoprotein synthesis decreased, low polyglucoses piled up and cellular vacuolation. The poisoning animals show clinical symptoms of emaciation, nerve disorder, breed obstruct and others. So far there is not effective measures for prevention or treatment of the poisoning disease.
This project, based on earlier works of my group and referential to new achievements related, attempts to 鈶爏elect microbes or enzymes which can degrade SW from locoweed,鈶etermine the activities in rumen and SW rate of the selected microbes or the enzymes,鈶robe into the molecular mechanism of biodegrading SW, and 鈶ive the microbes or enzymes to grazing animals on the grassland of loco9weed growing.
This research expects that the selected microbes or enzymes could prevent locoweed poisoning research, providing a research reference for other plant toxins.)
锕he mechanism and determination of the swainsonine-producing fungal endophyte in locoweed of China
锛圠ocoweeds are as nutritive as clover, but contain the toxic indolizidine alkaloid, swainsonine, that is responsible for the poison and death in livestock ingesting the plants. swainsonine also has been found the function of anticarcinogenesis and to be a potent regulator of immune system. During the researches on the locoweed toxin and biodegradative mechanisms of swainsonine, we also have isolated 10 swainsonine-producing fungal endophytes from 7 species of locoweed that is responsible for major economic losses in livestock industry. In this project, the 10 fungal endophytes will be classified and named by the techniques of molecular biology, morphology,and genetics. In the research on locoweed fungal endophyte, some experiments, including the optimization of culture, the swainsonine identification and quantification in the plant sample and fungal culture by GC, immune reaction, Enzymatic assay, will be done. In the course of the research, the characteristic and biosynthesis mechanisms of swainsonine-producing fungal endophytes will be investigated. The research findings will be great significant to prevent and control locoism, utilize the plants, improve the production of swainsonine, accelerate the development of livestock industry, develop new anticancer drug锛�.
• Number of significant publications : 355
• List of major publications(articles):
1. Wang jian-hua, Research on the toxicity of the distinct species plant roots of Hemerocallis , Acta Collegii septentrtonali occidentali agriculturae 1982(2):89-103
2. J.H.Wang Observations on Selenium Toxicity in Sheep and Same Effects of Monensin. Ph.D. thesis, London University, 1989.6
3. J.H.Wang, D.J.Middleton, D.J.Humphreys, Effects of Monensin on the Bioavaila-bility and Elimination of Selenium from Blood in Lambs. J. vet. Pharmacol. Therap. 1990, 13:378锝�385,
4. R.M.Barlow, P.G.C.Bedford, J.H.Wang, The Pathogenesis of鈥淗emerocallis Blandness鈥漣n sheep. Abstract, The 42nd Annual Conference of AVTRW, Scarborough, 1988.4, UK
5. J.B.A. Smyth, J.H.Wang, R.M.Barlow,et al., Effects of Concurrent Oral Administration of Monensin on the Toxicity of Increasing Doses of Selenium in Lambs. J.Comp.Path., 1990, 102: 443锝�455,
6. J.B.A.Smyth, J.H.Wang, R.M.Barlow, et al. Stodulski, Experimental Acute Selenium Intoxication in Lambs. J.Comp. Path., 1990, 102:197锝�209
7. Jian-hua Wang, David J. Humphreys, George B. J. Stodulski, et al. Structure and distribution of a neurotoxic principle, Hemerocallin, Phytochemistry, 1989,28(7):1825-1826
8. Wang Jian-hua and Yang Jinxiang, A study on the poisonous plants of Hemerocallis L. Acta Bot. Boreal.-Occident. Sin., 1993,13(4):316-321
9. Wang Jian-hua, Smyth JBA, Barlow RM, Humphreys DJ, The Affinity of various tissues to the toxic doses of selenium in lambs, Acta Univ. Agric. Boreali-occidentalis, 1994,22(2):61-66
10. Wang Jian-hua,Wang Yue-hu, Si Hong-li, Analysis on alkaloids from Tephroseris kirilowii , Journal of Northwest Sci-Tech Univ. of Agri. And For.(Nat.Sci.Ed.), 2004锛�32锛�1锛夛細93-95
11. Li Guoqin, Wang Jian-hua, Cao Guangrong, Xue dengmin et al. Study on the clinic and pathological changes in milk goats associated with selenium intoxication, Acta Univ. Agric. Boreali-occidentalis, 1994,22(1):35-39
12. Li Guoqin, Wang Jian-hua, Cao Guangrong, Li Shaojun, The changes in Selenium levels of blood and tissues of selenosis in milk goats, Acta Univ. Agric. Boreali-occidentalis, 1994,22(3):42-48
13. Li Guoqin, Wang Jian-hua, Xue dengmin, Cao Guangrong, The histochemical determination of tissue selenium and the study on the pathological changes in milk goats, Chinese Journal of Animal and Veterinary Science, 1995,26(1): 71-75
14. Li Qin-fan, Wang Jian-hua, Tan Yuan-you, et al. Study on blood biochemical indexes by poisoning of Oxytropis in dairy goats, Acta Agricultreali-occidentalis Sinica, 2000,9(4):40-42
15.Li Qin-fan, Wang Jian-hua, Tan Yuan-you, et al. Pathology of Oxytropis glacialis poisoning in goats, Chinese Journal of Animal and Veterinary Science, 2001,21(1): 75-78
16. Li Qin-fan, Wang Jian-hua, Qi Xue-ru, et al. Hematological changes of Oxytropis glacialis poisoning in goats, Journal of Northwest Sci-Tech Univ. of Agri. And For.(Nat.Sci.Ed.), 2001,29(1): 97-93
17. Tan Yuan-you, Wang Jian-hua, Li Qin-fan, et al. Acute toxicity sections screened out from fragments extracted from Glacial crazyweed (Oxytropis glacialis), Journal of Wuhu=an instiyute of Science and Technology,2001, 14(1):1-4
18. Li Yin-qian, Wang Jian-hua, Jin Ya-ping, et al, The effect of selenium poisoning on reproduction in rabbits, Journal of Northwest Sci-Tech Univ. of Agri. And For.(Nat.Sci.Ed.), 2001,29(5): 30-32
19. Chen Jin-jun, Wang Jian-hua, Determination of sulphur-conjugated pyrrolic metabolite in swine exposed to Tephroseris kirilowii Turcz. Holub, Chinese Journal of Animal and Veterinary Science, 2002,33(1): 45-47
20. Chen Jinjun, Wang Jian-hua, Shi zhicheng, Studies on actions of extract from Tephroseris kirilowii Turcz. Holub to L1210 cell line in vitro, Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin, 2003, 19(6): 29-32
21.Chen Jinjun, Wang Jian-hua, Shi zhicheng, Anti-Leukemic of extract of from Tephroseris kirilowii Turcz. Holub in vivo, Joural of Hunan Agricultural Universitu (Natural Science), 2003,29(special issue):92-96
22. Li Jianke and Wang Jianhua. The Present Situation and Prospect of the Study on Locoweed in China. Agricultural Science in China, 2003,2(6):687-898
23. Ma Bao-hua, Wang Jian-hua, Shi Zhi-cheng, et al. Developmental toxicity of lead acetate on mouse embryo in vivo, 2003, Journal of Northwest Sci-Tech Univ. of Agri. And For.(Nat.Sci.Ed.), 2003,31(3): 15-18
24. Wang Yue-hu, Wang Jian-hua, Inhibitory effects of angeloyl-helotridine on L1210, HepG2 and HCC cells, Journal of the Fourth Military Medicine University, 2003,24(19):1745-1747
25. Li Qin-fan, Wang Jian-hua,The ecological characteristics of Oxytropis glacialis living, Ecology of Domestic Animal, 2004锛�25锛�1锛夛細42锝�45.
26. Li Qin-fan, Wang Jian-hua,Geng Guo-xia, et al. Toxicity study of Oxytropis glacialis in rabbits, Chinese Journal of Animal and Veterinary Science,2004锛�35锛�6锛夛細716锝�719.
27. Li Qin-fan, Wang Jian-hua, Li Rong, et al. Detaction of alkaloid and isolation of swainsonine from Oxytropis glacialis , Chinese Journal of Animal and Veterinary Science, 2005,36(12): 1339-1343
28. Huang Li, Wang Jian-hua, Dai Li-Jun,et al.Utilization of yeast gene report system to detect environmental dioxinsilike substances, Chin J Appl Environ Biol,2004,锛�4锛夛細493锝�496
29. Huang Li, Wang Jian-hua, Dai Li-jun, et al. Effects of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzopdioxin on the early pregnancy and cycling reproductive hormone levels of NIH mous, Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae,2005锛�25锛�1锛夛細94-98
30.Zhang Xian-fu,Wang Jian-hua, Zhang Shu-fang, et al. Research of embryo-toxicity of Toosendanin in Kumming Mice, Chinese Journal of Animal and Veterinary Science,2005锛�36锛�3锛夛細301-305
31.Ma Bao-hua, Wang Jian-hua, Shi Zhi-cheng, et al. Toxicity of the aroclor 1254 on the fertilization ability of sperm and development of early embryo on mice, Journal of Northwest Sci-Tech Univ. of Agri. And For.(Nat. Sci. Ed.), 2005锛�33锛�5锛夛細1-4
32. CHEN Jinjun ,WANG Jianhua.Apoptosis of L1210 Cell Line Induced by Extract from Tephroseris Kirilowii. Turcz Holub in vitro, Acta Veterinaria et Zootechnica Sinica, 2006, 37(3),295-298
33. ZHAO Xing- hua, HE Xin, DONG Qiang, WANG Jian-hua. Research progress on plan t tox in s degreda t ion by microorgan ism. Journal of Guangx iA gric. and Biol. Science,2006,25(sup):172-176銆€
34. FAN Guoying,WANGJianhua,ZHONG Hua,YANG Yanyan,DENG Runguang,ZHANG Gaiping.Generation and Immuunological Trait of Monoclonal Antibody for Streptomycin. Journal of Nuclear Agricultural Science锛�2007, 21 (5) :506锝�509
35. FAN Guo-ying,WANG Jian-hua,ZHU Jin-feng, ZHANG Gai-ping, YANG Yan-yan,DENG Run-guang,LIU Qingptang,YANG JI-fei.Filtration of hybridoma lines and development of rapid test comptative ELISA kit for striptomycin.Journal of Northwest A & F University (Nat.Sci.Ed.), 2007,35(4):46锝�50
36. WANG Lanfeng,WANG Jianhua*,LI yunsheng, GENG Guoxia, LI Qinfan. Identification of a TMPD Degrading Bacterium Staphylococcus pasteuri LF-2,Journal of Anhui Agri.Sci.2007, 35(12):3500 - 3501
37. ZHAO Xinghua,LIU Zhibin, HE Xin, YU Yongtao,WANG Jianhua. Pathology of hemerocallin poisoning in rabbits.Journal of Northwest A & F University(Nat.Sci.Ed.), 2007,35(3):17锝�24,35
38. ZHU Zhongke, WANG Jianhua*,WANG Jing,ZHANG CHUN Lei,CAI Qinghe.Clone of synthetic canine lysozyme gene and its prokaryotic exprission and activety analyses.Journal of Northwest A & F University (Nat.Sci.Ed.), 2007,35(4):55锝�59
39. WANG Aihua,SONG Yumin,ZHOU Le,WANG Jianhua*.Synthesis and Identification of SW Artificial Antigen. Journal of Northwest A & F University(Nat.Sci.Ed.), 2008锛�36锛�3锛夛細80-84
40.WAN G Aihua,WANG Jianhua*,SON G Yumin.Establishment of indirect ELISA for detecting the antibody against swainsonine. Journal of Northwest A & F University(Nat.Sci.Ed.), 2008, 36(11):52-56
41. YU Yongtao, WANG Jianhua*, FU Guangjian, WANG Lanfeng , WANG Yongwei.Nutrition contents and mineral elements in Podbearing Period Oxyt ropis serioopet al a. PRATACUL TURAL SCIENCE, 2008(5):48-51
42. ZHANG Zhimin ,WANG Jianhua,ZHAO Xinghua ,GENG Guoxia ,YU Yongtao,LIU Zhibin,MA Baohua, ZHAO Xiaoe.Effect s of swainsonine on cellular immune function in mice. Journal of Northwest A & F University(Nat.Sci.Ed.), 2008锛�36锛�2锛夛細61-66
43. ZHANG Zhi-min, WANG Jian-hua, ZHAO Xing-hua, GONG Xiao-bing, YU Yong-tao,CUI Zhong-hua, GENG Guo-xia.Effects of Swainsonine on Immune Function of Peritoneal Macrophages in Mice. Scientia Agricultura Sinica,2008,41(10):3422-3428
44. ZHAO Xinghua, WANG Jianhua*, HE Xin, YU Yongtao, L IU Zhibin, GENG Guoxia.Pathological Studies on Central Nerve of Rabbits Induced by Hemerocall in. A ct a V eteri nari a et Zootechnica S i nica.2008 ,39 (2) :2232227
45. Yue-Hu Wang, Jian-Hua Wang, Hong-Ping He, Hua Zhou, Xian-Wen Yang, Chun-Shun Li, Xiao-Jiang Hao. Norsesquiterpenoid Glucosides and a Rhamnoside of Pyrrolizidine Alkaloid from Tephroseris kirilowii. J Asian Nat Prod Res. 2008锛�10 (1):25-31
46. YU Yong-tao1 ,WANG Jian-hua* ,ZHAO Qing-mei2 ,LI Hai-li1 ,SONG Yu-min1,WANG Yan1 ,ZHANG Zhi-min1 ,CUI Zhong-hua1 ,GENG Guo-xia1 ,L I Qin-fan. Isolation and identification of swainsonine2producing fungal endophyte from Oxytropis kansuensis. Journal of Northwest A &F University(Nat.Sci.Ed.),2009 37(2):40-46,51
47. YU Yong-tao, WANG Jian-hua*, WANG Yan, SONG Yu-min, GENG Guo-xia, LI Qin-fan. Identification of Swainsonine-Producing Fungal Endophytes from Three Species of Locoweeds in Tibet. Scientia Agricultura Sinica,2009,42(10):3662-3671
48. Xing Hua Zhao, Xin He, Jian Na Wang,Yu Min Song, Guo Xia Geng, Jian Hua Wang锛�. Biodegradation of Swainsonine by Acinetobacter calcoaceticus strain YLZZ-1 and its isolation and identification. Biodegradation.2009, 20(3):331锝�338
49. Yongtao Yua,b, Qingmei Zhaoc, Jianna Wanga, Jianhua Wang,* , Yan Wanga, Yumin Songa, Guoxia Genga, Qinfan Lia.Swainsonine-producing Fungal Endophytes from Major Locoweed Species in China. Toxicon,56(2010):330鈥�338
50. SONG Yu-min,WANG Jian-hua*,WANG Ai-hua,WANG Yan, YU Yong-tao.The determination of swainsonine in rabibit serum by gas chtomatography.Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science. 2010锛�29(3锛夛細402锝�405
• List of major publications(books):
锕hief edtor
1.Poisoning Diseases and Toxicology in Animals, Xian, Tianze publishing house,1993.12
2.English-Chinese Dictionary of Toxicology, Xian, Northwest University publishing house, 1995.4
3.Studies on the Theory and Practice of Postgraduate Education and Degrees in the Northwestern Agricultural University, Xian, Xian Map publishing house, 1997.7
4.Feed Hygiene, Xian, Xian Map publishing house, 2000.8
5.Reproductive Toxicology in Animals, Xian, Shaanxi Science and Technological publishing house,2000.12
6.Poisoning Diseases and Toxicology in Animals(2nd edition),Xian, Taiwan Chinese Herb Medicine publishing house,2002.2
7.Domestic animal Medicine(the 3rd edition), Beijing, Chinese Agricultural publishing house, 2002.6
锕eputy editor
1.Progress of research on the Feed Toxicants and Anti-nutritional Factors, Xian, Northwest University publishing house, 1997.10
2.Animal Toxicology, Beijing, Chinese Agricultural publishing house, 2001.6
•Major Research Areas:
锕oisoning Diseases and Toxicology in Animals
锕iseases of Nutrition and Metabolism in Animals
锕eed Hygiene
•Postgraduates: Total of 69 postgraduates ( 40 for PhD, 29 for M.Phil)
•Current Postgraduates: (2010.09 12 for PhD锛� 3 for MPhil.):